The Atmaca Anti-ship Missile |
Ankara - Turkey has successfully conducted a test-firing of a locally made anti-ship missile called Atmaca. As is known, previously Turkey had successfully carried out the first test launch. However, this second test is known to use a ground-based mobile launcher capable of hitting targets as far as 220 km.
Quoted from Defense Security Asia, according to a statement from the Turkish side, the test launch of the missile was successful with the ground-launched "Atmaca" hitting a target in the Black Sea. The Turkish Defense Ministry also shared video footage of the launch which was held in the north of the country at Sinop.
The Atmaca missile is expected to be used on corvettes built under the Turkish National Shipbuilding (MILGEM) project, along with other ships and submarines currently using the Harpoon missile. Land-based versions of the missile are also expected to be used for coastal security. The missile will be powered by a completely original KTJ-3200 engine, developed by the Kale Group.
Quoted from Naval News, in contrast to the ship-based version, the missile is equipped with an imaging infrared seeker (IIR). ATMACA (meaning Eagle) is an all-weather, long-range, precision strike anti-ship cruise missile, developed by Turkish missile manufacturer ROKETSAN.
The Atmaca will gradually replace Turkey's existing stockpile of Harpoon missiles. The program was initiated in 2009 to meet the requirements of the Turkish Navy's surface-to-surface cruise missiles. The main contractor, Roketsan, started the design study in September 2012. The first test launch of the ship was carried out by TCG Kinaliada on 03 November 2019.
After several test fires in different scenarios, including GPS-free firing and operating in a tense electronic warfare environment, the missile passed all tests and is ready for mass production.
The missile features a global positioning system (GPS), inertial navigation system, barometric altimeter and radar altimeter to navigate towards its target, while its active radar seeker pinpoints the target with high precision.
The data link provides ATMACA with 3D mission planning, updating targets, striking back, and ending missions. The missile also glides very fast as it approaches the target.