5 Nuclear Weapons That Can Trigger the World Apocalypse That You Should Beware

5 Nuclear Weapons That Can Trigger the World Apocalypse That You Should Beware
5 Nuclear Weapons That Can Trigger the World Apocalypse

International Military - The threat of using nuclear weapons has resurfaced after the Russia-Ukraine war broke out since the end of February 2022. Moreover, Russia, which is known as one of the world's giants, is known to have a number of nuclear weapons that could trigger a world apocalypse. The United States (US) which supports Ukraine also has powerful nuclear weapons that can be activated at any time.

Here are 5 nuclear weapons that can trigger the apocalypse of the world that you should be aware of.

1. Poseidon Nuclear Torpedo

Poseidon is currently the largest torpedo in the world ever developed by any country. The Poseidon is an intercontinental nuclear-powered autonomous torpedo measuring 24 meters in length and 2 meters in diameter.

This Russian torpedo is equipped with a nuclear power plant, which makes its range virtually unlimited. Its propulsion is nuclear, and the warhead it can carry is 2 megatons. The Poseidon explosion was capable of causing a tsunami at an altitude of 500 meters, or 57 times higher than the Empire State Building.

2. P-30 Bulava Ballistic Missile

The submarine-fired P-30 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile is one of the most impressive types of weapons in the world. One Bulava missile is capable of destroying one city at a time, whereas Russian submarines can carry up to 16 units.

The Bulava missile has a large range of 8,000 kilometers, and can carry six to ten individual nuclear guide blocks at hypersonic speeds, each with a power of up to 150 kilotons. The warhead can overcome missile defense systems, including through the use of mock traps. At the same time, Russian submarines carry up to 16 such missiles and one submarine in one gulp can destroy 72 targets the size of a city.

3. RS-28 Sarmat Ballistic Missile

The RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is the largest and heaviest nuclear missile in the world, weighing in at 458,000 pounds or the equivalent of 11 F-22A Raptor fighters. The Sarmat missile can deliver up to ten thermonuclear warheads and has the range to strike anywhere on Earth.

The three-stage solid-fuel missile is 115 feet long and 9.8 feet wide with a total fuel weight of 458,000 pounds. The missile can propel up to ten tons into low-Earth orbit, including, ten large warheads, 16 smaller ones, combined warheads and countermeasures, or hypersonic glide vehicles.

4. Trident II missiles

The Trident II intercontinental ballistic missile is fired from a submarine (submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Each submarine, such as the Ohio class, carries 24 Trident II missiles, each of which has eight warheads. Trident II missiles are fired from underwater to strike targets up to 7,000 miles away, depending on the payload.

When the Trident II reenters the atmosphere at speeds of up to Mach 24, it splits into eight independent re-entry vehicles, each with a 100 or 475 kiloton nuclear warhead. In short, a full salvo of Ohio-class submarines, which can be launched in less than a minute, can unleash up to 192 nuclear warheads to wipe 24 cities off the map. This is a terrible apocalypse weapon.

5. LGM-30 Minuteman III missiles

The LGM-30 Minuteman III, built by Boeing, is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) used by the US Air Force Combat Command. The Minuteman III is a critical component of the US strategic deterrent force and is controlled by the Air Force's Global Strike Command.

The Minuteman III is a solid-fuel, long-range three-stage ICBM with the capability of carrying single or multiple nuclear warheads. The missile is powered by three solid-fuel rocket engines and weighs 36,030 kg. The missile has a range of over 6,000 miles and a speed of about 24,000 km/h when it burns.

The LG-Minuteman III has three re-entry vehicles (RVs) that can independently aim at different targets within the entire target area. This concept is referred to as multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRV). However, it has been reduced to one under the Strategic Arms Reduction (Start) II Treaty signed between the US and Russia.

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